Section 6 Spectator Code of Conduct

Spectators are an important part of the game and shall conform to accepted standards of good sportsmanship and behavior. Spectators shall at all times respect officials, coaches and players, and extend all courtesies to them. While wholesome cheering is encouraged, taunting, foul and abusive language, inflammatory remarks and disrespectful signs and behavior are not acceptable.

The school expects our adults and parents to set the tone for all spectators and serve as appropriate role models for all of our student-athletes. Please assist the school officials and coaches in providing a healthy educational climate that our school can be proud of by maintaining an appropriate competitive perspective throughout the contest.

To promote a healthy lifestyle, it is imperative that student-athletes adhere to the tenets listed above. All students should be prepared to accept serious consequences if school officials, teachers, and/or coaches find that school district policies pertaining to drugs, alcohol, and tobacco have been violated. Furthermore, since alcohol, illegal drugs, and tobacco interfere with effective learning, the health and well being of the athlete and the goals of the individual and team, the athlete who is involved with the use of such substances must understand that they are seriously jeopardizing their status as a member of the team.

Spectators shall observe and obey the rules and regulations of the school concerning tobacco, smoking, food and soft drink consumption, use of lavatory facilities and the parking of their vehicles on school grounds. New York State law prohibits smoking and alcoholic beverages of any kind on school property. The law further prohibits any person under the influence of alcohol to be on school property. Spectators shall respect and obey all school officials, supervisors, and security and police at all athletic contests.

Spectators who fail to adhere to conduct expectations during a contest should be prepared to accept consequences for their inappropriate behavior. These consequences may include ejection from the contest site for the day or for an extended period of time.