What is Family Support Services?
Mission Statement
The mission of Fredonia CSD's Family Support Services is to create increased opportunities for FCSD students and families to access local prevention and intervention services. Utilizing school-community collaboration, we aim to enhance our student population's physical, emotional and social wellbeing, while improving school readiness, engagement and student outcomes.
Issues/Concerns FSS can work with:
Access to education
Family communication
Domestic violence
Substance Abuse
Mental Health
Anger Management
Behavior concerns
Grief and loss
What FSS @ FCSD Offers
Provides linkages for Basic Needs to students and families, including, but not limited to:
Food Security
Housing Assistance
Medical/Dental/Insurance Coverage Issues
Provides referrals/linkage assistance to Community-Based Services including but not limited to:
Mental Health Counseling
Substance Abuse concerns
Student/Family Stressors
Care Management
In-home Behavioral Supports
Provides Case Management as needed - School Social Worker assists students/families and the community-based agenc(ies) involved to support continued engagement in services