Fredonia District Library Media Specialist: Susan Walterich
Library Teaching Assistants: Pat Ambrose, Abbey Whitcher
Email: SWalterich
Phone: (716) 679-1581, ext. 2742 or ext. 2752
*students and stuff must be logged into their school Google Accounts to access this page. This website lists usernames and passwords for library and school media resources.
The FCSD Library Media Centers (LMCs) are a hub of activity dedicated to supporting the curriculum and enriching the learning experiences of all students. The Fredonia Intermediate LMC serves students in grades K through 8 and the Fredonia High School LMC serves students in grades 9 through 12. Both LMCs are open from 7:20 am through 3:00 pm every day, with a shared library media specialist and library teaching assistants available to supervise and assist students. The library media specialist collaborates with teachers to provide the necessary materials and assistance for subject area assignments, provides resources for educational and recreational reading and research, and offers opportunities for students to use district-wide technology and electronic resources.
Elementary School students visit the LMC once each week for a regularly scheduled library media skills class and book exchange. Elementary School students may visit the LMC to meet their personal reading or informational needs at other times with permission from their classroom teacher. Middle School and High School students receive library media skills instruction through lessons planned jointly by a subject area teacher and the library media specialist and in direct support of the curriculum. Middle School students may visit the Intermediate LMC or High School LMC with permission from their teachers from study halls or subject area classes. High School students may visit the LMC from study halls with a pre-signed pass obtained from an LMC staff member prior to the study hall, or they may be issued a pass by a subject area teacher as deemed necessary.
In order for the LMCs to fulfill their purpose, students must help create an environment conducive to productivity. For this to be accomplished, students need to behave in a manner that allows all patrons to be safe, productive and comfortable in each space. During LMC visits all students are expected to be involved in activities that will advance their educational experiences. Appropriate usage would include the completion of subject area assignments, reading, or the pursuit of further educational or personal informational needs. All students may use the available computers for book searches, research, word processing or other appropriate online activities. When using any technology, students must always adhere to the Acceptable Use Policy agreed to and signed by the parent and student at the beginning of the school year.
The library media specialist maintains the FCSD Library Media Site from which students and teachers may access the electronic book catalogs (OPACs), the online databases purchased by the district, and web sites selected to support classroom projects or enhance student learning. This site is linked from the Fredonia School District Web Site under the Elementary, Middle School, and High School drop-down menus.
Visitors to the web site may occasionally encounter password protected pages. These pages allow the library media specialist to post usernames and passwords to individual subscription databases offered by the district, thus supporting fair use practices. Password and contact information is listed above. Please contact the library media specialist should you encounter any difficulties using the web site.