Required Medical Clearance

The Commissioner’s Regulations mandate that all athletes must be given a physical examination prior to their participation in interscholastic athletics. The results of the physical shall be valid for a period of 12 months during the last day of the month in which the physical was conducted.  Unless the medical examination is conducted within 30 days of the start of the season, a health history update is required. (Brown/Yellow Form)

During the summer months, forms will only be available from the health office and school’s main office. Upon completion of the physical exam, the medical forms must be returned to the health office or school’s main office. The nurse’s office is sporadically open during the summer months.

The school physician must approve all physicals. This process requires time and the athlete runs the risk of missing tryout dates when the medical clearance process is not completed in a timely manner.

If the athlete wants to ensure participation in tryouts, responsibilities must be taken care of in a timely fashion. There will be no exception to this state mandated policy, and no exception made for a student who does not meet the deadline for tryouts. Fredonia Central School District forms are the only accepted forms to clear students for participation in athletics. Forms can be obtained from the nurses’ office.

Physical Procedures

  1. Obtain Brown (High School) Yellow (Middle School) from the coach, high school, middle school, athletic office or nurse’s office.

  2. Fill out and sign (student & parent) the brown (High School) Yellow (Middle School), “Health Questionnaire Form” and return it to the Health Office.

  3. The Brown/Yellow “Medical updated Form”- If the date of the physical examination is not within thirty (30) days of the start of a given sport season, the state requires that a medical update form be completed and on file in the school health office. This form is to be completed by the parent/guardian.

  4. Attend the Parent Athletic Information night (held in June for the next school year), or sign a Consent and Waiver form.  This form can be picked up at the High School Office, or printed off this web site.

  5. Sign up for the sport in the HS or MS locker rooms.

  6. The Health office will schedule physical.  The appointed district physician will approve physicals.

  7. The school nurse will give the clearances to the coaches prior to the season.

**Please remember-this process takes time. No exceptions will be made. Waiting until the last minute might result in the inability to participate on a school team for that season. The tryout period will start on the first day of the season.