quest 2022 two students with backpacks

The Quest Backpacking tradition continued this year with great hikes in all types of weather! Quest Backpacking is a unique middle school outdoor education program serving several schools in Chautauqua County, NY.

Middle School students as well as High School Student Leaders spend months preparing for the hikes. In total, there are four different hikes - a one-day hike, a two-day hike, a three-day hike, and a four-day hike. The program sees participation from Fredonia, Brocton, Silver Creek and Cassadaga Valley. They are accompanied by adults and community volunteers. Our own Superintendent Zilliox spent time on the trail this year as well!

During their journey, students will put into practice all the lessons they’ve learned on expedition behavior, leave-no-trace principles, field cooking, nature study, first aid, and orienteering. The four-day hike concludes on Saturday with a celebration of family, friends, and hikers at Russell Joy Park.

This program is led by Stephen and Susan Cobb, and we thank them for their dedication to teaching these valuable life lessons to our students!