Enjoying a Cup of Cocoa

The Response to Intervention (RTI) providers, Kristine Graham and Julie Hassett, continued their tradition of encouraging elementary students to read over the Winter Break in a fun way with the Winter Break Challenge: The 12 Days of Reading

“Our goal with providing reading challenges is to help each child develop a love for reading and to create a regular reading routine in their daily lives”, states Graham. “It offers flexibility for each family by allowing students to choose what they read and when. By participating in the reading challenge students can have fun and keep up their skills at the same time.”

Grade Level Reading Goals

Students in Grades 1-4, were encouraged to read a required number of minutes for their grade level in order to receive a special reward and treat.  Students could read in a variety of unique ways and/or places, explained Hassett, “They could read to themselves, with a friend/family member, to a stuffed animal, or under the table, the possibilities were endless!” 

Those endless possibilities really sparked the interest of students, with 168 students rising to the challenge. On January 8th received a cup of hot chocolate in addition to their reward.  Graham and Hassett wanted to make sure and thank the local Tim Hortons as well, “They graciously donated hot chocolate for all 168 students!”